Tacet a Mortuis, the third installment in
Amo Jones's Romantic Suspense Elite Kings Series

Hail to the king, and watch him reign, this game was somewhat fun, until the finale came…
Now we’re here, with carnage and despair, and the only questions left to answer, are the ones that do not appear...
A king loses a war, and a swan sheds her wings, chaos collides with peace, as the crows begin to sing…
Enter if you dare, because I swear the end is near, but nothing is as it seems, and everything is so bare.
So what the f*ck is going on at Riverside,
I think, I think... everyone is about to die....
I think, I think... everyone is about to die....

Grab Your Copy Today!
Amazon - http://amzn.to/2EHeTo4
Amazon Universal - mybook.to/TacetaMortuis
Kobo - http://bit.ly/2G8RiJr
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Apple - https://apple.co/2EZcEcM
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Start the series today and purchase The Silver Swan!
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Apple - https://apple.co/2gBmSTs
Kobo - http://bit.ly/2g9cOoC
B&N - http://bit.ly/2yMVcDF
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B&N - http://bit.ly/2yMVcDF

My Review
I need to just insert a big
open face shocked person right here… yup, that’s my review. Just Wow or Oh my
Lord! One of those will suffice! Amo Jones is one of the authors I enjoy
reading for her “did that just happen” or “what the…” moments that she gives us
a ton of in her books. This is the 3rd book in the Elite Kings Club series.
This is not a series that is a group of standalones. You need to have read The
Silver Swan and The Broken Puppet to understand. Honestly, I don’t know why you
wouldn’t read this woman’s work of art! Seriously, every time I wonder what I’m
getting myself into and every single time I’m so sad when the book is over and
I have to wait for another one.
Ms. Jones is an author that will captivate you within a few sentences and get you lost and entangled in her stories, with her people and the mess that she creates. I love her ability to do that. I adored this book. I’ll be honest in that I do wish it was a bit darker, a bit riskier. Looking at that cover, I thought I was going in no man’s land… ya know? So that disappointed me a bit. However, the way Ms. Jones tells her story and describes everything is magical and I can’t get enough!
I received an ARC of this book with the hope that I would leave an Unbiased Opinion. I was not required to leave a review, positive or otherwise, and my opinions are just that... my opinions.
Ms. Jones is an author that will captivate you within a few sentences and get you lost and entangled in her stories, with her people and the mess that she creates. I love her ability to do that. I adored this book. I’ll be honest in that I do wish it was a bit darker, a bit riskier. Looking at that cover, I thought I was going in no man’s land… ya know? So that disappointed me a bit. However, the way Ms. Jones tells her story and describes everything is magical and I can’t get enough!
I received an ARC of this book with the hope that I would leave an Unbiased Opinion. I was not required to leave a review, positive or otherwise, and my opinions are just that... my opinions.
About Amo Jones
Amo Jones is a small country girl totally winging this author thing (she's probably doing it all wrong). She likes cake, loves wine, and her religion is magic. She's a profound work-a-holic, but when she's not writing, you can find her chilling with her kids & partner at the nearest beach, with a cocktail in her hand.
New Zealand is not a state of Australia and rugby is the best sport ever played.
Follow Amo Jones
Website: http://www.amojonesbooks.com/
Join my Wolf Pack: https://www.facebook.com/groups/10114...
Instagram: thatcrazykiwiauthor
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