
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

REVIEW TOUR: Glow Girl by M. Weidenbenner

Willow is just your average sixteen-year-old girl. Okay, maybe not so average. She can heal animals. But for her own safety, her veterinarian parents have made her promise not to use her powers. Unfortunately, sometimes her compassion takes over, and she can't help ... well ... helping.

Willow is a Droit, but hides her Droitism because people like her are feared and hated by those without special abilities. Two of Willow's schoolmates, rumored to be Droits, have simultaneously disappeared.

When Willow's non-Droit friend, Rain, is targeted, Willow wonders whether she should get involved--even if that means putting herself in the line of fire.

A mysterious new friend, Trae, just might be the key to unlock her courage.

In the end, she has a choice: she can deny who she is or declare her ability to heal, but either way, her life will never be the same again.

Available to buy from the following sites...   Kobo   Paperback

I started reading this book with my 10 year old but as we progressed I felt some of it was a bit too difficult on her to read. I'm still uncertain after reading the entirety by myself if it's a book appropriate for a preteen. It might fit 13ish a bit better or maybe I'm being too sensitive. Sadly she understands the bullying Glow Girl highlights and what girl wouldn't love to heal animals? It's more the animal abuse that's a fine line for me. Heck, I was sensitive to it... I'm not sure what my daughter would feel. So while I might not be ready for her to read it today, I'm definitely keeping it on hand because I know she'll love it eventually! There was also some words that she struggled with understanding and even pronouncing. However, I have no problem with her sounding words out and learning new things. Again, it's a fine line and will depend on the individual child.

Besides all of that, I found this story to really warm my heart and make it feel sad at the same time. I've never read this author before... I really only dabble in young adult when it's something my daughter and I might enjoy together. I feel like I found another author to follow that would work for a great bonding experience with my preteen child. The reading doesn't feel juvenile but it isn't quite adult either. Really, I'm impressed with M. Weidenbenner. The story itself has an important message. One that I'm really not sure children understand. At the center of the story I felt a subtle message: Be kind. I feel like this is one of those books that offer up multiple lessons and people are going to come out with various lessons learned depending on their thought process.

I received an ARC of this book with the hope that I would leave an Unbiased Opinion. I was not required to leave a review, positive or otherwise, and my opinions are just that... my opinions.

Read an Excerpt
I saved our cat’s life four years ago when I was twelve.
How? I healed her. That was part of my Droit ability, but I didn’t
know it then.
Random, our cat who lived at our animal clinic, had been sick for months, but my parents are veterinarians, so they were managing her disease. She wasn’t in pain until the day I was hanging out at the clinic and found her panting and  writhing while lying on her side.
Mom was in the surgical room setting a fracture and couldn’t be  interrupted. Dad was out picking up meds.
Random’s eyes fluttered and she let out a puny cry. I held her, wishing I could help. When I stroked her fur around the knobby tumors on her back, my fingertips tingled and glowed red. I had no idea what was happening.
Confused, I flapped my hands as if to put out a fire. The color faded, but as soon as I placed my fingers back on Random’s side, the glowing started again. I shook my head in bewilderment and then closed my eyes, allowing whatever this was to happen. Lightning bolts flashed behind my eyelids. My hands
seemed to have minds of their own, this time locking onto Random’s
body. Pain shot up my fingers and seared all the way to my neck.
My head felt heavy, like it was full of electric sparks. I groaned and shuddered but still couldn’t pull my hands away from her.
I don’t know how long I stayed that way before she purred, and I opened my eyes to see her licking her paw as if nothing had happened. I ran my fingers along her back. Her tumors had disappeared. The room spun. What had happened?
Random jumped down and darted away with more spring than she’d had in months. I was certain I was seeing things. I blinked, but there she sat near the sink, giving her face a bath.
My fingers slowly faded. I turned them palm up, then palm down, studying them, trying to find a reason for what had happened, but there was none.
Mom came into the room, holding her hands in the air on the way to the faucet to scrub. “Were you looking for me?”
“Random doesn’t have cancer anymore,” I said, excitedly.
“Oh, really?” She paused with her hands under the water and gave me a peculiar look with her head cocked, eyebrows raised.
“How’s that?”
“I healed her.” Nausea bubbled up from my gut. I raced into the bathroom.
After I puked and returned to Mom, she was sitting in a chair with Random in her lap, parting her hair. “Her tumors are gone.”
“I know.” Nausea still clung to my ribs, but it wasn’t as bad.
I was too excited about Random being better that it didn’t matter.
“What exactly did you do, Willow?”
Mom stared at me with wide eyes. I thought she’d be proud of me, but she didn’t act that way.
“My hands mended her,” I said.
“L-l-like h-h-how?” she asked.
“I don’t know. It just happened. I felt sorry for her. She was in pain, and the
next thing I knew, my hands lit up and energyflowed
from me to her.” I stared at my fingers again.
“Has this happened before?”
I shook my head.
She nodded, licked her lips, and lowered her voice.
“Can you make it stop?”
I shrugged. I didn’t know. “I can try.”
“Don’t do it again, and whatever you do, don’t ever do it in public.”
Her voice was just above a whisper, and she glanced over her shoulder at the door.
Wasn’t it a good thing that Random was better? Tears welled in my eyes.
“You won’t be safe if people know what you can do,” she continued in a hushed tone. “Promise me you won’t do it again.”
Swallowing hard, I nodded. “I promise.” But I didn’t understand.

About the Author
Michelle Weidenbenner is an Amazon #1 Best-Selling and Award-Winning author and speaker.

She’s also a John Maxwell Certified Coach and Trainer.

Her sweet spot is the center of her pickleball paddle, but it’s also empowering moms to regain their purpose and significance in order to live a life that matters and positively influence others. Her energy is contagious and focuses on unlocking the self-advocate in others and encouraging them to dream big.

As the mother of a recovering addict, she spends most of her time advocating and coaching moms of addicted loved ones. She podcasts at Moms Letting Go. If you’re a mom of an adult addict, find her free guidebook, at

Michelle is living her dream—writing every day and thanking God for the stories He puts in her path.

Link to Moms Letting Go podcast:

Link to free book for moms:

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