
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

RELEASE DAY: Always Mine by Kennedy Fox

Liam & Madelyn Duet Book 1
By Kennedy Fox
Release Day: January 7th

College parties, beer, and one-night stands—that was my life.

Now, I hunt down criminals, ethically or not, but if no one’s asking, then I’m not telling. Drinking and women are still included, though I can’t seem to forget the girl who almost gave me her virginity. She would’ve until I realized she was too young, and I wasn’t looking to get thrown into jail. 

In a twist of fate, we’re reunited, except she’s no longer underage but still equally off-limits.

After ignoring her relentless advances, she starts to wear me down. I only have so much willpower when she’s around, running her smart mouth and showing off her impeccable dance moves. 

Just when my restraint starts to crumble, my poor choices finally catch up with me, putting us both in danger. 

There’s no easy way to explain why I betrayed her, but I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe—even if it means breaking her heart.

ALWAYS MINE is a slow-burn, intense romance wrapped up in a suspenseful beautiful love story. It's book 1 in the Liam & Madelyn duet and must be read first.

Get Your Copy HERE:

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I could not be happier with these connected groups of duets (friends). Every time I get to revisit with a 'new' couple, it feels like I'm returning to a group of friends. I love that! What has to be nice for other readers is you can pick up any couple you want and get their full story without being lost. However, it'll be more enjoyable if you read all of the books together and you won't get spoilers if you ever want to go back and read the earlier books. Now, Liam and Maddie... we've been working up to this duo for a while now when we met them in Baby Mine. So it's been a while and it's such a strong slow burn that left me on my toes and waiting, wanting.... more!!!

I'm struggling with how to describe all my thought and feelings. I'm blown away that these two authors can write such vastly different novels... the last book I listened of theirs was Falling for the Cowboy. Both have heart and love, even some humor and fun, but the angst and heart-ache was real and I was drowning! I loved Maddie and her go-get-em attitude she used with Liam. Liam is the protector and he hates that his bad choices can hurt those he care about. Man's got a heart of steel! Gear up, grab some tissues and get cozy for a night of delightful reading with some heartache on the side.

I received an ARC of this book with the hope that I would leave an Unbiased Opinion. I was not required to leave a review, positive or otherwise, and my opinions are just that... my opinions.


ALWAYS YOURS  - Release Day - February 18

Rehearsals, leotards, and textbooks—that was my life. 

Dancing is all I’ve ever known, but when Liam’s problems turn everything upside down, I’m thrust into a world I know nothing about. Secrets and betrayal changed the man I’ve fallen for and he isn’t who I thought he was. Regardless, Liam is all I’ve ever wanted and though I’m struggling with my emotions, deep down I’d do anything for him. 

When Liam admitted his true feelings, things finally fell into place. Now they’re falling apart. Saving our relationship is his top priority, but keeping him alive is mine. Corruption and power are their game and Liam is nothing more than a pawn. Playing by the rules won’t end well, but I can’t let him fight alone this time. 

Our happily ever after is so close I can taste it, but then it quickly crashes and burns, threatening to destroy us. Giving up on the love of my life isn’t an option, but in the end I might not be able to save him. 

ALWAYS YOURS is a slow-burn, intense romance wrapped up in a suspenseful beautiful love story. It's book 2 in the Liam & Madelyn duet and must be read in order.

𝑨𝑳𝑾𝑨𝒀𝑺 π’€π‘Άπ‘Όπ‘Ήπ‘Ί | Book 2

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About the Author:

Brooke Cumberland and Lyra Parish are a duo of romance authors who teamed up under the USA Today pseudonym, Kennedy Fox. They share a love of Hallmark movies & overpriced coffee. When they aren’t bonding over romantic comedies, they like to brainstorm new book ideas. One day, they decided to collaborate under a pseudonym and have some fun creating
new characters that’ll make you blush and your heart melt. If you enjoy romance stories with sexy, tattooed alpha males and smart, quirky, independent women, then a Kennedy Fox book is for you! They’re looking forward to bringing you many more stories to fall in love with!
Keep up with all their social media platforms for updates & info!

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