
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

BLOG TOUR: Fighting for Rain by BB Easton

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"This is a series I urge every single person to read. 
It's so unique and artistic and has me hanging off of every word."
- Amo Jones, Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author

Fighting for Rain, the second installment in The Rain Trilogy everyone’s raving about from BB Easton, is out now!

Fighting for Rain final ebook

The world was supposed to end on April 23, 
but Rainbow Williams’s world ended days before that. 

The mass hysteria caused by the impending apocalypse claimed everything she’d ever loved. Her family. Her city. Her will to live.
Until she met him.
Wes Parker didn’t have anything left for the apocalypse to take…he’d already lost it all by the time he was nine-years-old. His family. His home. His hope of ever being loved.
Until he met her.
Brought together by fate and bound by a love that would last lifetimes, Rain and Wes were prepared to die together on April 23.
They were not prepared for what would happen on April 24


Download your copy today or read FREE in Kindle Unlimited
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Start the trilogy with Praying For Rain!
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I feel like a giant shocked face emoji should be the only thing in this review. It's crazy good... like color me impressed!! The talent BB Easton has for creating truly unique and unputdownable stories is remarkable. I loved Praying for Rain so much and was insanely excited for Fighting for Rain. Even though every time I read Easton I'm shocked with her ability to wow me, I still never thought I'd love Fighting for Rain as much as I do.

Wes and Rain are two characters that you will cheer for and hope that Easton doesn't torture them too much... or at all! There isn't a single thing I don’t love from these books. It's thrilling and fast-paced. It's intense. But it's hopeful and chaotic. It's everything you could image and more when the world is ending and people are left with the fear or morality. The ending of this book had me nearly standing in outrage. How could Fighting for Rain be over? It was a whirlwind that I wasn't ready for. I'm ready for the conclusion! Seriously, I have no idea how I'll mentally make it through these next few weeks.

I received an ARC of this book with the hope that I would leave an Unbiased Opinion. I was not required to leave a review, positive or otherwise, and my opinions are just that... my opinions.



“Did I pass?” Rain asks as I stop at the bottom of the tree house ladder to give her a hand up.
“I think I’m the one who passed.” I give her a swat on the ass as she heads up and chuckle when she yelps in surprise. “I know your song.”
“Oh, really?”
When I climb in behind her, Rain is sitting, facing me with her arms folded over her chest.
For a guy who has nothing to prove, I fucking love proving myself to this girl.
I sit with my back against the plywood wall and strum something softer and slower and definitely sadder than anything I’ve played for her before. I’m afraid it might be too much, considering how far she’s come today, but fuck it. It’s the truth, and right now, the truth—and this guitar—is all I got.
“I think you might be a Paramore girl.”
The simple, soulful melody is synchronized with every beat of my own bleeding heart as I open my mouth and sing the first line.
About a girl watching her daddy cry.
Rain clutches the blanket to her chest and listens as I tell her the story of a woman who’s afraid to get hurt after watching her parents break each other’s hearts. She tries to protect herself. She tries to avoid the pain of being left. But when she finally falls in love, she realizes that it’s worth the risk.
I hope she’s fucking right.
I can’t really see Rain’s expression in the dark, but as I let the final note fade out, I know I’m going to find tears before I even reach for her face.
“How did you do that?” She sniffles, and when she leans into my touch, I know I got her.
I shrug. “When you’re in the system, you get good at figuring people out.”
She inhales deeply and sighs. “So, what’s the name of my new favorite song?”
I place the guitar in the corner and crawl over to her. Laying her down, I take the wadded-up blanket out of her arms and set it behind her head like a pillow. “‘The Only Exception.’”
Gazing down at her, I know now that that’s exactly what she is for me. The only exception to all of my rules.
No getting attached.
Leave before you get left.
Supplies. Shelter. Self-defense.
Survival above all else.
Now, they’ve all been crossed out with a giant X, and next to them, in murderous block letters, are the words Protect Rainbow Williams. That’s all I fucking care about now. Keeping her safe. Keeping her—period.
“Wes?” she asks, her voice small and shaky as she slides her fingers into my hair and pushes it away from my face. “Will you still be here when I wake up?”
Bracing myself on my forearms, I lower myself onto her soft, warm body and press my lips to hers. Blood explodes through my veins on contact, but I don’t move. I hold that kiss until I feel her relax beneath me. Until I know she’ll believe me when I finally promise, “Forever.”
Satisfied, Rain pulls my face back down to hers and kisses me like forever might actually exist. Slowly. Sweetly. Without the ticking clock of April 23 looming over our heads. Without blood on our hands or ash in our hair. Without wonder or worry about how it will end. Because we started at the fucking end.
Now, we get to begin.

About BB Easton

bb easton author photo
BB Easton lives in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia, with her long-suffering husband, Ken, and two adorable children. She recently quit her job as a school psychologist to write books about her punk rock past and deviant sexual history full-time. Ken is suuuper excited about that.
Praying for Rain is BB's first full-length work of fiction. The idea, fittingly, came to her in a dream.
If that sounds like the kind of person you want to go around being friends with, then by all means, feel free to drop her a line. 

You can find her procrastinating at all of the following places:
Stay up to date with BB by joining her mailing list:

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