
Thursday, January 23, 2020

RELEASE DAY: Hometown Heartless by Carrie Aarons

Release Date: January 23

FREE in Kindle Unlimited!!

Oh my lanta! There’s something so emotional about military romances. Perhaps it’s because we get an up close and personal look at military lives and it’s emotional to “see” the sacrifices they make for our country and the people in it. Not to mention their family who suffer just because they love said military men/women. So while for the most part we get generic glimpses of those lives. It felt as if we were right there with Everett and Kennedy every painful step of the way. Carrie Aarons pulls together so much emotion that this story left my heart aching at times. It’s a difficult story but Aarons has a way of writing that makes a difficult story, beautiful.

I’ve been reading Carrie Aarons right after she released her third book so it’s been several years. I love to see how she’s progressed over time. It’s a joy to see the different genres she tackles and how she executes every single one flawlessly. The characters she creates are unique and damaged. Love always fixes them; it seems to always cut directly to the problem. Aarons shows how love can cut through any tough spot. Kennedy and Everett have shared an entire lifetime together. Aarons hasn’t created another couple who deserved a clean slate more than these two. Their lives have changed so much from the days of their youthful days. Aarons created something special here… hope and love flowing from the pages.

I received an ARC of this book with the hope that I would leave an Unbiased Opinion. I was not required to leave a review, positive or otherwise, and my opinions are just that... my opinions.

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One year ago, the boy next door was captured as a prisoner of war.

The boy whose window faces mine.
The backyard buddy who bandaged up my skinned knees.
The childhood crush that kept me up at night, wondering if he’d ever be my boyfriend.
The town hero I wrote endless letters to after he shipped out.
The green-eyed charmer who promised me a kiss the day I turned eighteen.

And now, he’s home.
But he didn’t come back as the boy I once knew.
He’s a man now, one with demons I can’t comprehend.
The damaged soldier keeps telling me I’m not his anymore.
That the war took him, turned him into someone unrecognizable.
What he hasn’t considered is that it took me, too.

He swears there is nothing left between us, that his heart died overseas. But with each look through our windows, we both know his lies are just that. With each fated meeting, the truth only becomes more evident.

Everett Brock occupies the shadows now.
And as much as I try to pull him into the light, it seems the switch is permanent.
What he doesn’t realize is that I’m willing to follow him into the darkness.

About the Author:

Author of romance novels such as The Tenth Girl and Privileged, Carrie Aarons writes books that are just as swoon-worthy as they are sarcastic. A former journalist, she prefers the love stories of her imagination, and the athleisure dress code, much better.

When she isn't writing, Carrie is busy binging reality TV, having a love/hate relationship with cardio, and trying not to burn dinner. She’s a Jersey girl living in Texas with her husband, daughter and furry son.

Connect w/Carrie: 

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